Robert Pattinson Smokes and Doesn't Like Children...
...But we love him anyway! Haha. :) Here's a set report from over at TwilightMoms. The author got to hang out with Robert during her set visit:
"So we went over to Rob’s trailer and he was sitting on the couch smoking. He agreed to come meet me, and after taking two pics of us, the guy with me walked away again. So Rob and I started talking, and he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to go back to sitting in his trailer. So we just kept talking! Realistically, I think we stood there for like 45 min, and Rob was such a sweetheart and completely friendly! And god was it hard not to just want to stare at him sometimes! We talked about a bunch of stuff (that I won’t want to go into too much detail about for his privacy)...nothing groundbreaking, but still interesting, including:
- Washington, DC – that’s where I’m from, and even though his sister used to live there, he had never visited, so he was asking me what the city was like
- He told me about a car that he almost bought for $1000 recently, and other cars that he likes; he also wondered if he could get Volvo to give him one of the cars (they had 3 of them on set); oh, and he also said he just got his license recently, so he's still practicing
- He wondered what town we were in since all the small downs looked the same (he actually asked me if we were in OR, ha)
- He said he was a little worried because he needed to get an apartment now that filming was over since he plans to move to LA (something he never thought he'd do); he said he'd like to live in a trailer or in the back of a car
- He said he’d read a script recently that not only was really bad, but that had a title that sounded like a “bad porno”; also said that he hated roles that required him to be "the most beautiful guy in the world"
- He talked about how he’s surprised at how big this movie is going to be and all the constant interviews and TV cameras
- He asked which Harry Potter was coming out next and laughed when I mentioned that they’re making the last book into 2 movies
- I noted his bad smoking habit, which he blamed on set boredom (he probably smoked 3 cigarettes while we talked); I told him my husband uses the same “boredom” excuse when he’s deployed to Iraq, and Rob asked me some questions about that
- He thought about the idea of celebrity and how it’s so weird to him; he had walked into town to get coffee earlier and was embarrassed when he saw fans staring at him from across the street (although he appreciated them being so nice about it)
- He mentioned the new book he’s reading but forgot to bring with him (he didn’t know was it was about, he just liked the cover); he also suggested a book store for me to visit in Portland
- He talked about how some actors can be demanding on sets, and we joked that he should walk around with his hand out demanding coffee
- He noted that his eyes were getting dry from the contacts"
Read the rest here.
Move to L.A.??? Like for forever???
Well, I don't mind if he smokes. :) It doesn't make him a bad person altogether, right?
It would be weird if he was crazy about kids at his age. I never liked kids before I had my two. I still don't like kids except for my own, which I'm nuts about. Course they're very cool, non-whiney kids with awesome personalities ;)
I don't care if he smokes its his lungs, i just wouldn't want to date anyone who smoked. and i understand what he says about not wanting kids i had to babysit my 6 year old sister all last summer and i was contemplating how to kill my self after the first month ;)
y doesnt he like kids i mean it must get awkward when kids ask him for autographs, but still he must be a nice guy.
luv u robert xx.
omigosh, you got to meet Robert Pattison (yeha I know they wer sitll fil;mign and I didn't like fall in lvoe with him tll like october, november) Rob's so tlaend, a great acor and maeks a great Edwar.d Kristen rocks too adn the characters are well suited for the roles. as achristian I cna codnone his bads habits but I can froivem him. I love the books. there are soem thigns I disagree in the books (your aftleri with God and Jesus are more imporant guys), anways, Robert is natuarlly charming, even if geos occianly drunk, he seeems liek a nice and carign guy at times. noones' er perfct. great pics, Rob photgenic, I'd date him if I was leat 18 and as long as he's christian. I think he is. I want to see him ni the little ashes movie,(hes' elarnign spanish, woh he makes a great forgien guy) but yrah I'm 17. (i I hope there is too mcuh rpemaitl sex ni the movie (not that ther should be any at all) Rob has a great smile and is so talented. please donmt' say God's name in vain in your blogs tohugh. God bless and hoepfulyl if he acotrs have any bad habits they'll stop
he actually said he didn't like kids 'that way' which means sexually. and he is only 22 so he's got time! :-p he is so sexy but smoking turns my right off!
i wish i had meet him too. i'd write my questions down before i go to talk and then i'll ask them. or maybe not.
well, i don't care if he smokes. most of the guys smokes and it's routine. everybode has their habits.
and he is sexyy, raawr.
It's sad that he smokes so much .. :( It's not good för himself.
From Sweden = bad english.
well i think it dumb that he says he doesnt like kids. Not all of them are the same! Im quite mature thank you every mouch. Hmmm I wonder what he would to if a little girl ran up and jumped on him to hug him and said a compliment on him. That would be so cute!
The fact that he smokes makes him human. Girls worship him like he's some god. I think it's sexy that he smokes ;)
well i think when rob said he doesn't lik kids, meaning the kids all over the world are just dreaming about marrying him and he doesn't find kids attractive as he does to kristen stewert.he was answering will u marry me questions so he probably meant he doesn't want to marry kids! Crazy ikno but, rob is crazy, that's y we love him!
LUV Rob 4 eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He didn't mean he hates kids. He was answering the questions of kids asking him to marry them. He meant he was saying no to the kids.
im a fan of twilight. but im not one of those screaming types of fans. i just enjoy their movies and songs and stuff. i think robert patinson is very good loking i thought he was since harry potter.I think its fine if he smokes i mean its his decision. it does not make him a bad person.(i wouldnt blame him. he had to kiss kristen! for some reason she always has her mouth hanging open lol)keep on rockin robert!
I am just a kid and it doesnt matter to me if he doesnt likekids. frankly i wouldnt either, i mean most kids in the world today are greedy and annoying, or they are spoiled. and i dont obsess over him,(or anyone for that matter). i dont find him attractive AT ALL. thank heavens for that. but i find it funny how girls at my school have shirts with edward on them......haha! and for an art assignment, they will write "Edward Cullen" and they wont even spell it right!haha..... I just find it hilariouse when girls obsess with Rob. if it were me, i would be a little frightened of children.....LOL(that means laught out loud for all of u non-text-a-holic i also like that song that he wrote..... i think its called "let me sign". good song. i could not tell that rob was the one singing it untill my obsessive friend told me(of course she knew that...) and i wuz really suprised. well ill comment again in a long time when people start getting burnt out on rob, ill probably have to defend him again
Are you insane this is bullshit !! xax !!! I don't really think its true cause if it was , there was going to be some info about the "reporter" !! soo ... I think that's just lame ... !!!
WAIT!!!!! HE DOESNT LIKE KIDS??????????? BUT BUT IM 12! AND I LIKE LOVE HIM! ugg!!! i cant believe he smokes... its probably was because that kristen stewart made him
i hate smokers and that makes me sad... but if hes still a sweetheart maybe i can ignore it... i hate kids 2:)
oh I don't mind I don't want children!
wow, I knew he smoked since he admitted it to some fan way back when they were shooting twilight, plus, he smoked up a storm in Haunted Air Man..
the things about not liking kids.. makes me like him even more!
Rob Rocks!
ok so these kids - how old are they? does he mean like 10 year olds asking him to marry him - cause that is plain funny hehe
i think that rob is a realy nice guy, but it would be great if he stopped so he could keep his perfect georgous face!
we all love you loads.
mhmm. well yah he is adorable, but that smoking habit is completely unnecessary. i mean, hey! your still a friggin' kid man. haha! well, he is still reallllllly hot, but that nasty insider is tearing down his rep... whatever, their his lungs, iguess....
still love you<3
ok first was a idot for smoking he is going to die soon and plus hate children i would like to see the people who think he is a rolemodel and also taylor launter is wwwaaaayyyyyyyy cuter then him
It honestly doesn't matter what he does because he's still amazing. Honestly, the only thing a person can do to actually make someone not like them is the way their personality comes out. Which from what i hear he is really sweet.. so i can't see why anyone would let the stupid smoking thing come between that!
& smoking is bad but it's not that big of a deal. If he enjoys it then that should be fine. he's an actor.. they get all the fun. [:
oh, & by the way.. i SO can't wait until the next movie comes out! yay! [:
it makes him look hotter when he smokes its edgey, so shut up and if he doesnt like kids then okay, whatever he's still gorgeous and not everybody likes kids..
ughh.. i really wish he didn't smoke. i mean i still LOVE him and all but smoking?... not my thing.. Love you Robert! <33
I smoke and I don't like children. Robert and I are a perfect match(: I only 6 years younger then him :P
I find smoking somewhat sexy...
I love Robert Pattinson, we all do, but smoking? Thats put me off a bit. He's 23! In the 21st century, everyone knows smoking kills you but he still chooses to do it! I love you Robert, but you need to quit unless you wanna die at the age of 40! He's not a bad person but its not good for him! I dont like kids either so thats fine with me but PLEASE quit Robert, PLEASE! Love you x
You all are making a big deal out of absolutely nothing. Leave him alone. If he wants to smoke, let him smoke. And whether he doesn't want children asking him to marry them or if he just doesn't like children, then whatever. He's still cool, so get over it.
really smoking. still love you though. i'm a HUGE fan. I also love kids. i think he said he doe not like kids because he was answering the will you marry me questions. PLEASE stop smoking. nasty habit Rob.
smoking very nasty habit. and i love kids. i think he was just answering the will you marry me questions. PLEASE stop smoking. love you though. also i bet Rob is an amazing guy.
ii used to love robert pattinson but now ii hate him ='( ii saw remember me and didnt think he actually smoked so ii asked google and looked for images. ii saw that he does and well its a disappointment tbh. it actually makes me a bit upset.
I love Rob and his role as Edward. It's his personal choice to keep on smoking or hating kids. That's his personal choice and personal life. I adore the celeb but as person he seemz a wicked guy cause he's damn young, awkward (keeps touching his hairs almost all the time) and sexyyy as hell. That's a put off already when I see a clumsy guy even if he's hot.
Also most of hot guys I have seen around me also smoke.
I guess it's kool than killing. As long as its limited then he should be fine but if its too much beyond a level, then he will suffer the consequences, and we would hate to lose him at young age. I believe he's young age, he is careless towards his lungs and is focused on the hairs mostly.
But why do we care, as long as he's a good human being, thats what matters the most.
He's doing his job at his best, and really at this young age, he's achieved alot and he didn't learned acting from any school or college.
So please folks, leave him alone, who cares if he smokes, he's doing his job excellently, he's meeting fans pleasantly and he seems good to date but not to take it seriously cause he doesn't seem a committed typo n even thats his personal life too.
If he's doing his job like 9- 5 but ok he has different routine but out of that he should do what he wants. Why make a big deal out of nothing.
Offcourse he's not gona go around and say wohoo i like kids, and then people will be sending so many kids at him, and now days, really kids hv lost it, they seem so weird that they can even attack you if you don't do what they tell you to.
whteva.. xxxoooxoooo LOVE ROB to hell death, and I wouldn't even want to change a person, i prefer letting people be themselves, and if they realize it, they can quit for sake of goodness or health. Otherwise, I wouldn't pressure someone or hate them b/c of their addicted habits. If your addicted to coffee, you won't give it up for someone who asks you and thats how nicotine is, its addiction and after time a person is forced to take it then just wanting to.
nys. who gives a damnn about someones' personal life, people do all kind of nonsense and end up badly. We can only wish for the best, so this shouldn't go worse then expected.
:=). LOVe Rob! but as a good adviser, do whatever you want but nothings good beyond a limit.
Last thing, new smokers don't smell bad but those ones that are chained smokers in there 40s or late 30s they smell horrible, which means nicotine kills teeth and causes bad breath, which is an automatic turn off not jus for a girl but for all.
If you want to keep your hottest smile in perfect shape, you should limit smoking or even quit. Or you can just go for cosmetic procedures, which might be painful too.
yes, actually, robert pattinson does smoke. as does kristen stewart, and probably a lot of the twilight cast. it's a bad habit and not for everyone. to hate him for something that is natural to him is kinda strong, don't you think? :) we love rob, but we all have to accept the fact that he's still only human, and not the fantasy guy we all want him to be.
I Loveee R-Patz And Smoking Or Nothing Will Ever Put Me Off Lol Hes A Vamp For God Sakeeee !! I LOve Himm !!!! xxx
LOve Yaa R-Patzz ! Always Will
(Im Like 10 LOL )
Hooraayy To Robert Fans Every Where You Rockkk !!! R-Patzz Like Foreva <3
wow, some of you kids are creepy! I'm sure he likes his fans but just doesn't wanna marry some kid, he isn't a friggin pedo! By the way, in the UK 22% of males Robs age smoke, it isn't that shocking.
I think he still likes kids but i think he said it because he annoyed by them. Honestly I think kids are cool and maybe he shouldn't had said that because he has some little kid fans out there.
whole Robert pattinson smokes. I think he knows that it will kill him but he chooses to do it. THAT IS SO DUMB!!!!!!!!
I used to love you Rob, but then your friend Taylor came along and I prefer dogs to bats... hee-hee... But pleeeeeeeeeeeease stop smoking Rob, yes you DO look alot sexier but it's bad for you. I know it must be really hard to stop and i don't mind if you dont, just follow Tay's lead.
LOL- 'lead'.
Rob Smokes and I'm a stop smoking advisor so it worries me as I would like to see him continue to be the gorgeous, heathy looking guy that he is today. I'm totally in love with Edward Cullen and a little in love with Rob if only I was younger!!! Please stop smoking for yourself you could save a lot of people's lives by being a role model. luv you still.