Update: Cullen Crest Jewelry Set from NECA

Amazon has updated their listing for the Cullen Crest Jewelry Set from NECA. There is now a picture accompanying the listing, and apparently, this will be an Amazon exclusive of only 3,000 sets. It features Alice's Choker, Rosalie's Pendant, Esme's Bracelet, Carlisle's Ring, and the Cullen Boys' Wristcuff. It also comes with a limited autographed postcard by Peter Facinelli. Amazon price is $99.99. You can pre-order this item here.
Do they deliver in the Philippines? :)
Do they deliver here in the Philippines?
lulu: i think they do deliver it here because its amazon. Im not sure. maybe you should check amazon if they deliver it international:)
>ANG MAHAL NAMAN. $99.99 = P4899.51
lulu: I think they deliver it here because it is amazon. Im not sure, its best to check their site if they deliver it international :)
it doesnt ship to canada :( do you where i can buy it that ships to canada?
actually amazons price is now £339
you can also find the cullen crest jewelry set at sulit.com.ph and it's priced at almost Php 7k.
meron n nyan s phil db?
gusto ko nga personal n bumili auq sna internet hehe san kya meron?pls advise me.tnx
i'm looking for the engagement ring of bella...ang mahal kasi nung nandon sa ebay