Twilight on Dolby Digital Cinema showing until December 24th
There's still time to catch Twilight on Dolby Digital Cinema at Gateway Cineplex! It will still be showing until December 24, so hurry and make sure you watch it in digital at least once. It's such a different experience, the picture and sound quality is truly wonderful, and yes, the sparkles really look like actual sparkles. :p And don't forget that Gateway Cineplex has a promo that gives you a chance to win great prizes (see poster).
Also, as per Viva International, most cinemas will be retaining at least one theater with Twilight until before the Metro Manila Film Festival starts on December 25th, so you can still watch it until December 24th.
p.s. Lookie! That's TCP's logo on Gateway's poster! Yay! Thanks, Gateway!
Also, as per Viva International, most cinemas will be retaining at least one theater with Twilight until before the Metro Manila Film Festival starts on December 25th, so you can still watch it until December 24th.
p.s. Lookie! That's TCP's logo on Gateway's poster! Yay! Thanks, Gateway!
oh i wanna watch
omg thats awesome! Ive watched twilight like m0re than 5x times n0w & im still craving for m0re! ü ive watched this vip pass fr cinema1 & they featured it there.. they didnt mention how to make reservations for the tickets though.. i was so agitated when i heard about this & cant do anything thinking that it was already to late to get tickets.. thank god they're still available til 24th! Omg, im freaking excited!! can you please tell us how to get tickets, to make reservations thanks.. i wanted to treat my sister on her birthday ü thanks, more power
Nice movie
Mat.. let's watch again the movie... i love it especially when Edward said "i dont have the strength to stay away from you now." waa.....eo....