Danag Podcast Episode 18 Now Online!
It's a special treat for this episode because the admins get to interview "Never Think" co-writer, Sam Bradley! :D
Episode 18 - Don't arrest us, Charlie Swan, we just gave Sam Bradley a barrel man
In which:
- We interview Sam Bradley!
- Clair de Lune was starstruck and is now a goner.
- Mabelle proved she's probably the most composed (and brave) person among the hosts.
- Minami was very disciplined and stopped herself from cussing when Sam sang during the interview. (LOL)
- We gave Sam 2 gifts -- one you'll hear about as we gave it to him; the other is the Barrel Man. (No, we won't reveal what happened when we gave that, but it was a riot!)
This is a recording of our exclusive live interview with Sam Bradley; it's mostly raw audio except for content edits (for sections that were "off-the-record"). We apologize for any volume inconsistencies.
Click here to view our download links and show notes!
(No, we won't reveal what happened when we gave that, but it was a riot!)
aww c'mon!! how could you!! LOL :))
Errr... we can't because, though it was a riot... it might cause a riot. LOL
What can we bribe you CdL to tell us what happened? =))
JACKE: Go to the Episode 18 page of the Danag blog to find out the answer. :)