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Entertainment Weekly Features "Twilight" and the Penelope Sneak Peek

ew_twilight-cast2_l.jpgThe loud buzzing you can hear over the Internet these past few days is probably caused by several thousands of Twilighters either squeeing or ranting over the cover of the July 2008 issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine. EW’s cover story this month is about Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Saga, and the cover features actors Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, who will appear in the film adaptation (see previous post).

While the issue of the cover is probably best left alone, the rest of EW’s feature is fabulous, specifically the profile of author Stephenie Meyer. Here, fans can get a glimpse of what happens before Stephenie’s book signings, about what she thinks of her celebrity status, what she is currently working on, her love for her multitude of fans, and what her book signings were like before Twilight became a certified hit. EW also has an accompanying feature about the upcoming Twilight film, with an interview with director Catherine Hardwicke and fabulous photos of the cast.

Speaking of the Twilight film, Summit Entertainment has also released a video clip that introduces a montage from the film, which is attached to the DVD release of Penelope starring Christina Ricci.

Links: “Twilight” Hits Hollywood and Stephenie Meyer’s Vampire Empire via EW.com | New “Twilight” footage unveiled via MTV.com
Photo: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Source: EW.com/Jeff Riedel)

Cross-Posted from NewWorlds.ph


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