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The Mega Masquerade Ball by Cosplay.Ph

Promoting an event by one of our NW allies. :)
Wanna party this Halloween? Cosplay.ph is inviting you to the Mega Masquerade Ball.

The Mega Masquerade is first event offering of Cosplay.ph for the Halloween season. Inspired by the revelry found in Venetian Masquerades and the Mardi Gras, the Mega Masquerade treats visitors to a grand Halloween celebration, minus the blood and the gore. Visitors are encouraged to come in colorful costumes and are required to wear masks, which will be made available at the venue. Activities include upscale fair gaming booths, fortune-tellers, a bazaar of the bizarre, amasquerade ball and couples costume contest where the Regents of the evening will be crowned.

Event Highlights

Carnival Games – Ring Toss, Balloon Darts and other carnival games will be available to entertain event attendees. Game players earn ticket stubs for playing and stubs may be redeemed for prizes such as toys and gadgets.

Entertainers and Performers – Magicians, fortune-tellers and mimes complete the feel and ambiance of the event. They will entertain Mega Masquerade guests throughout the day.

Exhibits and booths – Exhibitors related to selling Halloween and costume merchandise will be invited to participate in this event. There will be food and drink exhibitors present as well.

Masquerade Ball – Towards the early evening, the Masquerade will formally open. During this period, all event attendees will be required to wear masks which are also available on sale in the venue. All will be encouraged to take to the dance floor as music from featured bands will be played. At the end of the hour, guests will reveal their faces as in the Masquerade tradition.

Couple Costume Contest – Couples (not necessarily limited to a male-female adult pairing) will be featured in this unique Halloween costume contest. Couples need not be from the same series or show for as long as they can be considered as a couple. All contestants will be required to wear masks as part of their ensemble. The couple costume contest winners will be hailed as the Duke and Duchess, Baron and Baroness, and Lord and Lady of the Masquerade.

For more info, visit Cosplay.ph.


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