Special News Round-Up: The Music of Eclipse (Soundtrack, Score, Stephenie's Bree Tanner playlist)

You already know the list of songs we've posted here, and maybe even heard some of them online--The Eclipse Soundtrack site recently made the songs available for preview for 24 hours. If you're not familiar with any of them yet, you can still view the music video of Muse's Eclipse headlining theme, Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) here on MTV and its Making Of video on MySpace. (Would also like to point out this article on DailyRecord UK where Muse's lead singer, Matt Bellamy, comments, "Of course it doesn't matter we have gained fans because of Twilight and that might seem to be uncool... As a band you are represented everywhere." He makes sense, he does.) Vampire Weekend's song, titled Jonathan Low, can also be played here, although the track was unavailable when I last checked.
Here are some reviews by people who have had the opportunity of advanced Eclipse OST listening pleasure:
EW.com's review rates it a solid B+.
Like last October's New Moon collection, Eclipse operates as a sort of alt-party primer: original songs from the genre's current varsity squad, with a smattering of JV newbies. Pomp-rockers Muse, practically the movies' musical mascots by now, provide the requisite dose of Queen-meets-Rush grandiosity on ''Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever),'' while Jack White side project the Dead Weather revel in swampy blooze-ooze on ''Rolling in on a Burning Tire.'' Vampire Weekend, stripped of their habitual Afro-pop swaddling, work the harpsichord-tinged twee of ''Jonathan Low'' into a pleasingly woolly tangle, though Australian chanteuse Sia's ''My Love'' does more with much less — her fragile ballad is so ethereal and otherworldly, it should be sung in Elvish. U.K. indie-pop outfit Fanfarlo's rickety ''Atlas'' sounds like Talking Heads on a dirt-road detour; Beck and British songstress Bat for Lashes trade haunting echo-chamber vocals on the percussion-heavy duet ''Let's Get Lost''; and on the heady ''Heavy in Your Arms,'' Florence + the Machine make like Siouxsie Sioux leading a tribal marching band into battle. L.A. unknowns Eastern Conference Champions co-opt Radiohead's dense existential dread, Band of Horses conjure up another beardy folk ramble, and this summer's palest citizens get a pretty solid ready-made mixtape.
Fans from the Twilight Lexicon say that "it is the best of the three." Among their recommendations are Heavy in Your Arms by Florence + the Machine, Atlas by Fanfarlo and My Love by Sia. Visit their page for their other impressions.
There is also a song-by-song review up on the Official Eclipse Soundtrack blog.

And then we have the score. For Twilight, we had Carter Burwell. For New Moon, we had Alexandre Desplat. It was a pleasant surprise for us to find out that Summit was able to ask composer Howard Shore (famous for scoring The Lord of the Rings) to handle the music for the third Twilight Saga movie, Eclipse. In an exclusive interview with the Twilight Examiner, he shares his vision and his creative process.
Listening to the ECLIPSE score, I noticed that you made Jacob the primary musical character, while using Bella as a sort of surrogate, bookending character.The Twilight Examiner also has a track-by-track analysis of the score in Eclipse. Team Edwards, get ready. Apparently, the music mostly emphasizes and builds up on Jake's angst.
He’s an important part of the story, and his character is an important element in the arc of the story. The timing was right in the third part to work with Jacob’s feelings and the dramatic arc of Jacob’s story. The Jacob character wasn’t really developed until the third film. It just felt right.
Do you find yourself becoming emotionally invested in scoring these extremely dramatic films?
I do, I do become emotionally invested. I want to write and feel the drama. Music is essentially an emotional language, so you want to feel something from the relationships and build music based on those feelings.
Now if all this music isn't enough for you, you can also check out Stephenie Meyer's posted playlist for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner!
1. "Yes Please" - Muse
2. "Heads Will Roll" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
3. "Midnight and I" - White Rabbits
4. "Now We Can See" - The Thermals
5. "Falling In" - Ha Ha Tonka
6. "Rocking Horse" - The Dead Weather
7. "New Noise" - Refused
8. "What If We Could" - Blue October
9. "The Royal We" - Silversun Pickups
10. "Count Me Out" - Meese
11. "Blindness" - Metric
12. "Set the Sails" - Dan Mangan
Any news on when it's to be released in the Philippines?